Select the county the property is located in:

Fill in the sales price and loan amount then press Calculate.
If a Refinance, leave the sales price box empty.
Sales Price: Loan Amount:


A. Settlement Statement

Paid From
Borrower's Funds
At Settlement
Paid From
Seller's Funds
At Settlement
1100. Title Charges
1101. Settlement Fee
1102. Abstract / Title Search / Update
1103. Title Examination
1104. Title Insurance Binder
1105. Document Preparation
1106. Title Surcharge
1107. Attorney’s Fees
1108. Lender’s Coverage:
1109. Owners’ Coverage:
1110. Endorsements; FL9
1110a. Additional Endorsements: 8.1 ($25.00 each Additioanl)
1200. Government Recording and Transfer Charges
Recording Fees : Deed; Mortgages;
($10.00 First Page $8.50 each additional)
1202. City/County Intangible Stamps Tax: Mortgages
1202. State Documentary Stamps; Mortgages:
1203. E Recording
1204. State Documentary Stamps Tax: Deeds
1300 Additional Settlement Charges *If applicable
1301. Survey
1302. Federal Express Fees 0* 0*
1303. Courier/Delivery Service/Wire Fee 0* 0*
1304. Municipal Lien Search (Cost varies by municipality)
1305. Association Estoppels (price varies by Association)
1400. Total Settlement Charges
☺ Your transaction may be eligible for a Reissue credit. Please ask your closer. Thank you!!
***Above Quote Based on Title Insurance Minimum of $500.00***
♦♦♦ Mail Away Fees Not Included on estimate above and will be added accordingly♦♦♦
►► Short Sales: $400 Additional Fee ◄◄
Calculate Your Title Insurance Cost Fast and Easy